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Revision as of 17:18, 11 December 2006 by Ethan (Talk | contribs)

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My son Ethan was born on the 6th of September and he was diagnosed with PWS at 10 days old the day he left the hospital. I did'nt know anything was wrong until he was born it was a straight forward pregnancie but for some reason I had a feeling there was something wrong maybe a mothers instinked. I had it with my other two children as well but Ethan was real strong. He was born in the car yes thats right me and his dad delivered him in my brand new car.(car was detailed day after lol) When we got inside from the car park I was lying on the bed the doctor come in and said that we need to do a Chromosomes test to make sure that he was infact a boy. His two apgar test had a question mark beside both of them. He had no muscle tone the start of all the symtoms of PWS. The non-decending testies, small genetals, no mucle tone, was on glucose, did not feed due to very weak but he did breath and he has not had any trouble breathing from the time he was born. All he did for the first couple of months is sleep. He is know 14 weeks old and his milstones have been great fo far, he was not surpose to smile until he is 4 Months old but he has been smileing since he was 51/2 weeks which is when my other two smiled. He has been giggling for the past three weeks witch I love making him giggle he has got a great personality allready. His movements have been great he has found his hand and trys to suck his first two fingers and he is holding his head up. He is kicking like crazy and moving his arms like there is no tomorrow and he is staying awake alot longer he is starting to act like a normal baby for him anyway. He is still getting fed via feeding tube but hey i put it down to being lazy like his dad hehe. Its true what they say about falling in love with PWS children everyone that sees him when he is awake or asleep they just doat over him. He is just so cuddley.